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Emergency Response Plan

Emergency Response Plan

1. Emergency Contact Information

  • Emergency Services: Dial 999 for police, fire, or ambulance.

  • Local Hospital: St Richards Hospital Chichester.

  • Veterinarian: Westpoint Winchester..

  • Farm Manager: Keith Potts, 07771 554476

  • Local Authority: Chichester District Council.

2. Emergency Roles and Responsibilities

  • Farm Manager: Overall coordination, liaison with emergency services, media contact.

  • Emergency Response Team: Pre-designated staff trained to handle specific emergencies.

  • All Staff: Initial response, visitor assistance, and follow-up actions.

3. Emergency Procedures

a. Medical Emergency

  • Step 1: Assess the situation. Ensure your safety first.

  • Step 2: Call 999 if the situation is life-threatening.

  • Step 3: Provide first aid if trained to do so. Use first aid kits located in the Farm House

  • Step 4: Stay with the injured person until help arrives.

  • Step 5: Record the incident in the incident log book.

b. Animal Escape

  • Step 1: Identify the escaped animal and its potential danger.

  • Step 2: Alert the Emergency Response Team and farm manager immediately.

  • Step 3: Secure the area and keep visitors away.

  • Step 4: Use equipment such as nets or enclosures to recapture the animal if safe to do so.

  • Step 5: Notify the veterinarian if the animal is injured.

  • Step 6: Record the incident and review security measures to prevent recurrence.

c. Fire

  • Step 1: Raise the alarm immediately.

  • Step 2: Call 999 and provide details of the fire’s location and severity.

  • Step 3: Evacuate visitors and staff calmly using designated evacuation routes.

  • Step 4: Use fire extinguishers if trained and it is safe to do so.

  • Step 5: Assemble at the designated meeting point [insert location].

  • Step 6: Do not re-enter buildings until cleared by fire officials.

d. Severe Weather (Storms, Flooding)

  • Step 1: Monitor weather reports for severe weather warnings.

  • Step 2: Secure animals in safe enclosures and provide extra shelter.

  • Step 3: Inform visitors and advise them to seek shelter in designated safe areas.

  • Step 4: Avoid areas prone to flooding and falling debris.

  • Step 5: After the event, inspect the farm for damage and hazards before reopening.

e. Water-Related Accidents

  • Step 1: If someone falls into the lake, call 999 immediately.

  • Step 2: Use life rings and other safety equipment to assist the person without entering the water yourself.

  • Step 3: Perform CPR if trained and necessary until emergency services arrive.

  • Step 4: Keep bystanders away from the area to allow emergency services to work.

  • Step 5: Document the incident and review water safety protocols.

4. Evacuation Procedures

  • Alarm System: Sound the alarm using the fire alarm system located in the plant room

  • Evacuation Routes: Clearly marked and regularly maintained routes leading to safe areas.

  • Assembly Points: The assembly point is clearly labelled with a wall sign near The stables.

  • Evacuation Drills: Conduct regular drills to ensure staff and visitors are familiar with procedures.

5. Communication Plan

  • Internal Communication: Use radios or mobile phones to communicate between staff.

  • Visitor Communication: Use public address systems to inform visitors of emergencies and actions to take.

  • External Communication: Liaise with emergency services, media, and local authorities as needed.

6. Post-Incident Procedures

  • Medical Follow-Up: Ensure injured parties receive appropriate medical care.

  • Incident Reporting: Complete detailed incident reports and review with the team.

  • Debriefing: Conduct a debriefing session with all involved staff to discuss the response and identify areas for improvement.

  • Counseling: Provide access to counseling services for staff and visitors if needed.

  • Review and Update Plan: Regularly review and update the emergency response plan based on lessons learned.

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